Saturday, July 16, 2011

seriously, what the hell is sleep?!

so its another early  morning and I am dragging to get my arse to work after another 14 hour day yesterday.  I thought about actually writing a list of what I do everyday to understand why I am so worn down sometimes. Yesterday included driving to west valley and salt lake to pick up materials (80 feet of schedule 40 pipe), then off to shop for meet ups with customers, build up some wheels, then build up the bike they are going on, meet with consultant for new carbon project, then work on ski lift chair swings that have been sitting on the to do list for weeks now. ugh. poor me eh? ha ha.
On a side note, what the hell is wrong with the world when I have to file for a permit 6 weeks in advance to have 30 friends meet for a private ride on park city mountain resort property? what should have been just a simple thing turned into some kind of multi layered process that was given a poor likliehood of approval, but still requiring a proposal. Shit, give me a break folks. I think some people just want to be a stick in the mud. The time trial is still on, but rest assured not anywhere close to park city mountain resort.
New stuff to come, but here is a shot of Brad D's new titanium full suspension bike, super sweet! Hopefully Brad feels the same way!
Go ride, and don't forget to come to the drunk crit next week, which is approximately 8 miles northest of the property lines of park city mountain resort.

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